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Rest in Peace
It was the last pose in yoga this morning, as always: Savasana: Corps Pose. Our teacher said aloud “rest in peace,” and I started to cry. We say this for the dead but how often for the living? As the exterior world continues to show us ourselves, is there a possibility for inner peace?
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Morning Message in the Mist
Morning Messages in the Mist There is a time in the morning, before you are fully awake, when you can easily connect to Spirit. Before you get out of bed, listen… What does God want to tell you? You...
How much do we really know?
How much do we really know? Here we go again..take sides. Russia/Ukraine, Vaxxed/Not Vaxxed, Palestine/Israel. You’ve got to take a side and not question anything. It’s pretty safe to say the...
Rest in Peace
Rest in Peace It was the last pose in yoga this morning, as always: Savasana: Corps Pose. Our teacher said aloud “rest in peace,” and I started to cry. We say this for the dead but how often for the...
Rest in Peace
It was the last pose in yoga this morning, as always: Savasana: Corps Pose. Our teacher said aloud "rest in peace," and I started to cry. We say this for the dead but how often for the living? As...
How much do we really know?
Here we go again..take sides. Russia/Ukraine, Vaxxed/Not Vaxxed, Palestine/Israel. You've got to take a side and not question anything. It's pretty safe to say the majority of those commenting,...
Claiming Personal Authority
The past five months have marked a pivotal time in the human story. The two world split. So many have weighed in on what that looks like. And like most things, you can only really see it looking...
I’ve done what I wanted to do
"If I passed away tomorrow, it's ok. I've done what I wanted to do." ~ Charles Bello, Architect I watched a segment on this man who has spent forty years off the grid in the wilderness of the...
Spiritual Poverty
I've been practicing the 21 Emanations of Tara with the book by Rachael Wooten, PhD. I recommend it to anyone looking to deepen your connection to the enlightened female Buddha, or if you have a...
An Unlived Life…
Is the root of all envy. These words really struck me when I heard them last week. And they had the opportunity to shift my view and deepen my awareness of my own behavior and the behavior of...
What’s It Going to Take?
The world is changed by your action, not by your opinion ~ Paulo Coelho As we continue to experience the big squeeze here in the 3rd Dimension it's been quite a social experiment. What's it going to...
What is a Whistleblower?
Why is someone that speaks the truth labeled? Has the narrative of our world become so false that anyone who follows the voice of their internal compass and speaks out against what they feel is...
Love my writing and want more?
Discover how writing a fictional meet-cute scene can make you feel alive again.
When was the last time you felt sensual, excited and reconnected to the libido of life? Discover how you can start writing to access hidden parts of yourself!