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Rest in Peace
It was the last pose in yoga this morning, as always: Savasana: Corps Pose. Our teacher said aloud “rest in peace,” and I started to cry. We say this for the dead but how often for the living? As the exterior world continues to show us ourselves, is there a possibility for inner peace?
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I’ll Have What She’s Having
I don't know about you but I'm still reeling from the Full Moon on the 1st. Astrologers said it was supposed to bring up old wounds and boy did it. Did you feel it? I like to think of myself as...
Incorporating fantastical elements into a contemporary setting
Trust. There’s a lot packed into that small word. Trust plays a large part in writing and creating story. As writers, we put faith in the process and faith in ourselves. I believe writers are...
The Greatest Hoax in History
You are a Wild WomanAs a culture we have successfully civilized our humanness. And we are miserable. The good news is that within our misery lies restlessness. And that restlessness will save us. I...
Truth in Myth-How Mythology Lives Within Us
Mythology is our lifeline to the secret power inside all women. Beforescience, stories were told to explain the human condition. Those storieswere our truths. Running alongside written history,...
Anger: An Exorcism
Five years ago I started working on my fantasy fiction series, the Equal Night Trilogy, combining concepts I learned about mysticism, women’s history and the power of the human spirit. At the time I...
The Loss no one tells you about and what to do with it
Last Sunday I stood crying in the parking lot of Tim Horton’s over something my son said to me…oh yeah it was Mothers Day. In the moment, I called it an overreaction. But I now realize my eyes could...
Creating My Own Religion
Is the Book of Sophia real? More than a few readers of my trilogy have asked this. Aside from sending me down the rabbit hole of reality, this question made me think about how religious texts shape...
Love my writing and want more?
Discover how writing a fictional meet-cute scene can make you feel alive again.
When was the last time you felt sensual, excited and reconnected to the libido of life? Discover how you can start writing to access hidden parts of yourself!