October Energies Part One

Hello! October will be a month of swift moving energy so to try and pack it into one post is pointless. This is probably a weekly update… I was stuck on the Merritt Parkway in a dead stop for an hour yesterday (you know the kind where people get out of their cars and walk […]
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Hello! October will be a month of swift moving energy so to try and pack it into one post is pointless. This is probably a weekly update…

I was stuck on the Merritt Parkway in a dead stop for an hour yesterday (you know the kind where people get out of their cars and walk around? that kind of dead stop) as my son is yelling at me as to why I didn’t use waze. We were in a dead zone so no internet access and he was missing practice, I couldn’t text the coach, blah blah blah…I was surprisingly calm. It wasn’t until afterward when I was asked by every man in my life why I didn’t use waze, should have used waze, “I always use waze,” etc…that was not helpful!! I wanted to punch each one of them in the face. When will men understand COMPASSION?!?!

I share this story because that’s one of the energies this month. Tensions are high, accidents are happening everywhere, big and small, technology is not cooperating as it should. And these are just the small irritants. Whole paradigms are crumbling before we rebuild the new so right now, it feels like the world is inverting. I picture the titanic when it went vertical and everyone is hanging on with their legs dangling in the air.

We all have our legs dangling in the air right now and I will continue to share tools to help manage these unprecedented times. 

I have recently uploaded two videos to my YouTube channel that might be of help to you. One is about Shadow Work, what it is and why it’s important, now more than ever…


The other is the 4 steps of Prayer. I have started doing Spiritual book reviews and I love Gregg Braden. He lives in my wheelhouse of science and spirituality. In the second video below I break down the steps in his book that resonate with me because I was already doing them! Having this outlook to life and prayer and connection to your Divine Source is a bedrock for stability in these times.

As we’ve been forced out of our places of worship or had already left long ago, as humans we seek to connect to the wholeness that calls to us from inside our hearts-our very SOUL.



Stacey xo

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Meet the author

Hi, I’m Stacey Tucker

I’m an award-winning author of the fantasy finction series The Equal Night Trilogy and a creative writing and spiritual teacher.

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