Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you are digging deep and connecting to that which gives you faith. I know I’ve been in my prayer chair more than ever these days. Some things that are working for me: 1. Grounding breathing exercises connecting your root chakra to the power of the earth, outside when possible. The […]

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you are digging deep and connecting to that which gives you faith. I know I’ve been in my prayer chair more than ever these days. Some things that are working for me:

1. Grounding breathing exercises connecting your root chakra to the power of the earth, outside when possible. The earth has enormous support to offer us right now (and always actually).

2. Dialoguing with Spirit gives personal messages of support. You can use oracle cards to help connect or not. All of my rock solid faith comes from the world I CAN’T see.

3. Awareness of synchronicities: being mindful of the messages all around you offering support when things look bleak.

4. Writing-expands your consciousness to open you up to the bigger picture at play right now.

Faith or Fear, it’s a choice!


Stacey xo

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Meet the author

Hi, I’m Stacey Tucker

I’m an award-winning author of the fantasy finction series The Equal Night Trilogy and a creative writing and spiritual teacher.

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