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Rest in Peace
It was the last pose in yoga this morning, as always: Savasana: Corps Pose. Our teacher said aloud “rest in peace,” and I started to cry. We say this for the dead but how often for the living? As the exterior world continues to show us ourselves, is there a possibility for inner peace?
Which category is calling you?




Emergency Management and the C-word
I could write the word c*nt and have a better chance of not getting censored than if I write the word C*vid. But this weekend has all been about taking risks so here I go… My son Jackson and I were...
I should be more than this
I have started 2021 with a class on journeying. The class takes me on guided meditations through various portals in my energetic fields to access multi-dimensional information. I know that sounds...
Taking Back 13
It's time to take back the date of Friday the 13th as a powerful day for creativity and the power of the feminine principle. In our new age of Aquarius, it represents Unity Consciousness. And as the...
How to Be A Woman…How to Believe in Yourself
So I had seen the 2010 movie Secretariat years ago and remembered it fondly. He wins! What’s better than that? I’ll tell you what’s better – the true story of the woman behind the horse. Penny...
Women’s History…What the hell happened?
Why was the Goddess erased from history? It's the question that's driven me for almost a decade. The discovery of Sophia, the feminine face of God resonated so completely in my soul that she was the...
Art Finds A Way
It's not a week into the month and the intensity continues to ramp up! I started the month with a post that was slightly on the negative side because the full moon was weighing so heavily on us, we...
October Energies Part One
Hello! October will be a month of swift moving energy so to try and pack it into one post is pointless. This is probably a weekly update... I was stuck on the Merritt Parkway in a dead stop for an...
Help One Person
"You can't affect millions if you can't help ten." Seth Godin This is a profound statement in our world of likes and followers. And one I've adopted in how I approach my work. Our culture pushes us...
The Reign of Night
The Equinox comes twice a year as a day of balance. I loved the metaphor for life so much that I named my book series The Equal Night Trilogy. We see the balance in our outer world in the hours of...
Cuties-An Opportunity to Finally Start a Sea Change
On the heels of WAP getting ten's of millions of views on YouTube being called "feminism and women taking charge of their sexuality" we are faced with 'Cuties.' I'm not saying the women who produced...
September Energies
Only ten days into September, consider it a win if you're still standing! The month started with a full moon in Pisces that had us all crying. I was surprised at the revelations in my own life that...
Love my writing and want more?
Discover how writing a fictional meet-cute scene can make you feel alive again.
When was the last time you felt sensual, excited and reconnected to the libido of life? Discover how you can start writing to access hidden parts of yourself!